Tuesday, October 18, 2005

No, I don't work for Kraft

I went to look at the Wax Top Review, just to see what it looks like from an outsiders perspective, and I decided that it must look like I either work for some dairy company or am getting serious kick-backs from them. So, this post is simply to break up the monotony (not that Cheese is monotonous or shouldn't be celebrated, but that's what Friday's are for). Unfortunately, this revelation has come upon me at a time where inspiration is not readily available, making this a difficult venture at best. Oh well, I suppose I have done what I set out to do. Maybe I'll actually start posting on non-Friday days. Or maybe I should get back to work....

Bored? Want to play a really rad (but kinda lame) video game? Mars!

Friday, October 14, 2005


Ok, so it's been a few weeks. I guess I get to be the guy who irregularly updates his blog (not to be confused with THE Guy who reads this blog). Oh well, it is what it is...

Anyway, these people wanted to wish you and me a happy Cheese Friday, so I'll let them.

Happy Cheese Friday!