Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Make It Work...

Do you remember where you were the first time you found out one or more of your friends were stabbing you in the back? Do you? I do. It was about 5 minutes ago and I finally realized that my supposed "great friends" Guy and Todd were actually avoiding me and going to our favorite place of Mexican treats behind my back. They've always said they had band practice...I feel so stupid for believing them now that I know the truth. Oooh...I feel like my heart's been ripped out of my chest and blended up just like the salsa at El Burrito Jr. I feel as flat as the tortilla that wraps a scrumptious brc burrito. I feel as cold as the ice that chills a medium horchata...COME ON GUYS!!!!!!

Friday, February 24, 2006


That title has nothing to do with anything I have to say but for some reason my mouth is really enjoying the word "places" today. It rolls nicely...

So I'm currently listening to one of the 5 CDs I have to review by tomorrow. A band called Venice Is Sinking. They're a really good shoegazer-ish band. They sound a bit like Slowdive, which is a good thing. I'm not looking forward to listening to some of the others. I must though, for Skratch Magazine depends on me to be honest, unbiased, and on time with my reviews. My last batch wasn't very uplifting. I wasn't too stoked on any of the albums. This batch has been good so far. This CD is good and there's another one from a band called Dirty On Purpose that's really good. Kinda like The Cure and Stars and a few other bands mixed together. Chick singer. Good stuff. The arrival of these CDs really made my week though. I was beginning to think I'd never write again but then, right when I had given up all hope, a new batch arrived in my mailbox. God--and Skratch magazine's press team--works in mysterious ways. Not that I'm complaining...

Today, as you may know, is Cheese Friday. Unfortunately, I'm not feeling very Cheesy. Sorry Guy. The spirit has left me. I think this Friday was a long time coming and I'm just beat to hell right now. The Reggie show tonight should be fun, though more than anything I'm just looking forward to hanging out with Lindsay and knowing she's having a good time. I've got kind of a disjointed weekend ahead of me as well but it'll be ok. Hopefully I'll be able to cheer my Grandma up. She needs me. I must come through. I will...

Back to work. What a shame...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Short and sweet so I can go to bed...

I think I finally figured out my problem with MySpace. I think my problem with MySpace is that it is basically your high school yearbook every day for as long as your faraway friends remember you and vice-versa. Most of the comments I get and have seen on other people's sites are things like "Hey, haven't talked to you in forever. Call me, k?" Sound familiar? Like, "School was crazy. Have a great summer. Call me. Stay cool." Or, maybe I'm just bitter because I'm not cool enough to have people post comments of any kind on my MySpace. Not that I visit it very often anyway...

Oh nevermind. I'm just a conflicted little boy trapped in a 25 year old's body. And this conflicted little boy is going beddy-bye.

Good night.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


So, happy Valentine's Day for those of us who have significant others and, for those of you who don't, happy Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D. for short). For those of you unfamiliar with S.A.D. I'll give you a brief description of the wonderfully depressing holiday. It is a holiday created to unite the lonely, pathetic and emotionall-impaired, so they can sit around and cry, drink heavily, and/or make fun of those who actually have someone to spend Valentine's Day with. I'm not quite sure why Hallmark hasn't caught on with this brilliant holiday yet but please feel free to make lovely S.A.D. cards for all your lonely pathetic friends who will no doubt be feeling sorry for themselves today. Here's an example of a card you could make for that special friend...


Saturday, February 11, 2006

Parents...Who needs 'em?

Well, I do. But I've been blessed with some magnificent parents. And the parents I'm referring to in the header are not bad parents, they're simply misguided. Now, I know what you're asking yourself; "Why has he waited this long to make a new post only to bore us with complaints about some unknown set of parents?" Well, the answer to that is simple: because I can. It's my review and I'll rant if I want to. Besides, I figured I had enough posts about cheese to last me for a while so I thought I'd change it up.

To start this off, I want to make it clear that I'm not discounting how hard it must be to be a parent. Obviously, I've never taken a stab at it so I have no clue, though I imagine it to be a pretty arduous task. Additionally, I'm sure it's hard not to have a "favorite" child if you have more than one. It's human nature; we automatically gravitate toward someone or something we have in common with or are intrigued by. I guess I can't blame someone for being human. That said, I think the key would be to do your best to make sure each child feels loved, respected, and important. Equal distribution of praise is in order here. Make sure when you're talking to child A that you're not talking about how great child B is, especially if child A is working her ass off to make you proud. Again, this is criticism coming from an inexperienced source. I'm trying to tell the architect how to design a house. This is simply an observation from an outsider who is frustrated by many of the inside glimpses he catches.

I probably can't go into much more detail without making obvious who the subject is. I guess this is just frustration working itself out through a keyboard. I'm frustrated partly because I can't do anything to change the behavior and partly because I can't do anything to bring attention to it either. I'm not in a position to stand up and point out what I think is faulty in someone's parenting techniques. What's the old saying? Don't throw stones in a glass house?

I think the bottom line is that no one is perfect (duh) and everyone makes mistakes (again...). But everyone has the ability to completely effect the lives of the people around them and that goes double for parents. Do you want to be the person who makes everyone around you feel important and accomplished or are you going to be too preoccupied or too one-track minded to notice your daughter is not only a stellar student but also a talented, intelligent, beautiful human being who, more than anything, needs your support, love, and recognition? If I was a parent, I'd opt for the former...